The Talbot Hound: episode 5

In which I attack the work I’ve done thus far

Three quick reminders:

  1. These aren’t teaching videos. Our aim not to analyse a technique and give you step-by-step instructions. Instead, in these videos, we want to show you how we work in real life. We also talk about the wider issues.
  2. A “talbot” (hound) was a hunting dog – the breed is now extinct.
  3. In this series, you see me painting a dog’s head that’s gone missing from a 19th century window. It’s a part of a restoration project we’re working on right now.

If you’re new to the blog, welcome, and you’ll find episode 1 right here.

In this episode, because episodes 1 through 4 have brought me to the point where my talbot hound looks young and new, I must now take steps so my dog resembles the time-worn fragments which survive…

If you wish to, you can download the episode from here.

To ask a question, please go here.

Stained Glass Restoration: One Big Mistake I Almost Always Make

Restoration (vs. conservation)

When I restore a broken piece of painted glass – restore it: so I mean when I “re-paint” it, not glue it, which I call “conservation” – there’s a big mistake I almost always make.

I say “almost”. Really though I should say “a mistake I always make – and then, just in time, I catch myself, start again, and do things properly”, thank goodness.

I want to tell you more. I want to – confess. But not just because my full confession may help you. (I can’t pretend I’m quite so selfless.) No, if I’m honest with myself, I’m fed up with this mistake I always make. It will be wonderful if, the next time I restore a broken piece of painted glass, I avoid this foolish error and get things right immediately.

So maybe – maybe! – by setting this down before your eyes, I’ll help myself.

A Geometric Solution

The Journalist Rings

Bless her, she’d been asked to write an article for next February’s Homes & Gardens (and she’d rung us five months early because she knew how busy we get …):

“I’m writing about buying and using stained glass and I’ve been looking at your website with great interest

(What a lovely journalist, I thought.)

… I need to find out about the various options available to buy, and also who can restore them …

… Can you help me please?”