The Beastly Lion of Wolsey Towers

Episode #4


Your video for today begins with a shocking palette; it’s the kind of mess I’d never normally suggest you leave.

In my defence, there’s not much gum Arabic in this particular batch of paint, so it hadn’t dried that hard at all. Also, it wasn’t long since I’d last used it – just an hour or so (not overnight). And that’s why, as you see, it doesn’t take me long to get my paint and palette exactly as I want them.

It’s always a question of knowing the consequences of things you do. I reckoned I could get away with it. And I was right.

Four Techniques to Improve Your Glass Painting

It’s a rough world out there. Your best skills are needed more than ever. That’s why it’s so important you look back and take account of all the things you’ve learned here these past 12 months. So this week and next, we’ll select a handful of techniques you must master absolutely. I’ll start right now with …

The Powerful Effect of Designing with Stained Glass Silhouettes

Today you’ll see the power of using stained glass silhouettes in your design.

Yes, this is our glass you’ll see here.

But remember this is not so much about us as about what you can do with a bold and talented design, some very good glass, plus a careful use of silhouettes.

Note: there are a lot of gorgeous photos coming up, so please give this page the time it needs to load.