The Beastly Lion of Wolsey Towers

Episode #5

Marking out the highlights

In previous episodes: undercoating, preparing the paint, tracing the outlines, and flooding (this fourth episode is password-protected: just sign up for the free email newsletter).

And now it’s time to prepare to make the highlights

In this 9-minute video, you’ll learn what you must do to make sure your highlights go exactly where you want them to.

The Beastly Lion of Wolsey Towers

Episode #4


Your video for today begins with a shocking palette; it’s the kind of mess I’d never normally suggest you leave.

In my defence, there’s not much gum Arabic in this particular batch of paint, so it hadn’t dried that hard at all. Also, it wasn’t long since I’d last used it – just an hour or so (not overnight). And that’s why, as you see, it doesn’t take me long to get my paint and palette exactly as I want them.

It’s always a question of knowing the consequences of things you do. I reckoned I could get away with it. And I was right.