Three Put-Downs and one Suggestion

Put-Down #1

Dear friends and colleagues – it is our shared fate to endure remarks like this:

So you do stained glass do you? Oh, I’d love to paint stained glass – it’s just I don’t have time

How often I hear this … and what about you?

… As if it were merely the world-changing busy-ness of the speaker’s life which – unfortunately for us – prevents them from giving birth to artworks that would put Harry Clarke to shame.

And what is the implication here?

Is it that we do glass painting because we “have the time” (- when really it’s because we choose to make the time, thank you).

No one gets better at something unless they really work at it. Even Charlie Parker worked hard – boy! how he worked. He made the time to be the best saxophonist he could become.

As do we all work hard – for the things we choose to do.

It’s just that some folks work hard at watching TV or planning their next holiday …