Mouth-Blown Glass

Do it yourself (D.I.Y.):

When people visit the studio where we paint our glass, they often ask me if we also make our glass.

In the old days, I explained that, no, we don’t make our own.

Instead (or so I used to say), we journey to a glass blower near Birmingham who still blows those subtle tints of antique glass we like to use.

Stained Glass Case Study: The Literary Agent’s “Wow!” (Part 1)

A case study about stained glass design

Just in from a loyal newsletter follower, Dorothy Collard, who writes:

There’s so much I want to ask you, but I’ll start with the Literary Agent’s front door. – Just how did you do it?

How? There are several answers here. And one answer – as some of you will remember – is that I got stubborn and refused to put up with bad smells in the studio.