The Thickest, Darkest Paint of All

In a moment, you’ll find another excellent video demonstration for you to watch.

And like last time, it’s from a documentary we made.

We filmed this documentary between 8 a.m. and 10.10 a.m. one morning.

So it’s shot in real time.

Which means you see everything as it happens, minute by minute, technique by technique and – layer by layer.

Layer by layer

All about using dark, thick paint

All about using dark, thick paint

Yes, layer by layer: that’s important, because the documentary shows two faces (a “master” and a “beast”), both done in a single firing, one with water and oil, the other with water and propylene glycol, with painting on the front and back.

Anyway, this clip that’s coming up, it’s from the second face – the beast.

In this clip – and this is really useful – you see the glass painter, mixing up his paint for flooding.

And then you see his paint in action.

And what is especially wonderful here is this: you see how to mix your paint each time you load your brush because that is the best way to stop your flooded paint from cracking and blistering when you fire it in the kiln.

Now remember: it’s just an excerpt, not the whole thing.

All the same, I want to give you a sense of how we’ve combined live footage with commentary and also music to give you not just the instructions for a technique, but also (which is equally important) the spirit of a process.

So here’s what happened at 9.38 that morning:

Now I hope it’s not cruel of me to stop this tango just half-way through. (The film itself lasts one hour and 50 minutes; it contains the whole, uncensored scene – the full tango, plus many other scenes as well – all of them packed with technique and spirit.)

All the best,

Stephen Byrne