A Tracing Brush (not a Whip)

A brush, not a whip!

I don’t know what it is about a lot of stained glass stockists, but they seem to think one’s into flaggelation or something because that’s the only reason anyone would try and sell me one of those floppy, long-haired tracing brushes which are frequently described as “glass stainers’ brushes” – horrible, dangling things!

No! What you mostly need (again and always: mostly) is a tracing brush like the one in the picture on your right.

It’s about an inch long and ends in a point.

Ours are made by A.S. Handover of London. It’s series 99, you see a size 2 in the picture, which is what I mostly use. And this series is mostly sold to water-colour painters.

(To prove my point: Handover’s range of “glass painting brushes” are … long and dangling. I wouldn’t recommend them for many projects; and I’d certainly never recommend them to a beginner.)

Bye for now!

P.S. To be clear: Handover’s series 99 is very good but they aren’t holy relics or anything like that. You don’t need exactly these same brushes to paint well. (When you do, I’ll tell you so, and also tell you why.) Other brands will do. All you need to look for is – sable hair, ending in a good point, and about an inch or so long (26 mm).