The Powerful Effect of Designing with Stained Glass Silhouettes

Today you’ll see the power of using stained glass silhouettes in your design.

Yes, this is our glass you’ll see here.

But remember this is not so much about us as about what you can do with a bold and talented design, some very good glass, plus a careful use of silhouettes.

Note: there are a lot of gorgeous photos coming up, so please give this page the time it needs to load.

Blistered Paint

5 Causes And 1 Myth

And a video demonstration

57 new subscribers this week – it’s great so many people are willing to work hard improving their glass painting techniques.

Make no mistake: working with us is often tough, but you’ll get your own reward.

And I don’t just mean the free video at the end of this post.

I mean: your own achievements.

Today – blistered paint – you know, when glass paint bubbles and cracks in the heat of the kiln: 5 causes and 1 myth.

But first, here’s why you must know how to do it properly …