The Heraldic Arms

How to Paint a Stained-Glass Coat of Arms

From Undercoating and Copy-Tracing through to Silver Staining with Sandalwood and Lavender (forget about water or vinegar – it’s far too expensive, and also unpredictable)

Stephen promised you a sneak preview of our new technique-packed glass painting film, The Heraldic Arms of Hampton Hall. But he’s a bit behind with his work right now, so it’s my happy job to tell you the trailer is ready for you to watch. It’s a wonderful overview of all the techniques you’ll learn, and how they fit together.

The “Romance” and “Excitement” of a Stained Glass Painter’s Life

I am given a task

I should have know what was coming: David approached me this morning with a spring in his step, a twinkle in his eyes, and a piece of paper in his hand.

Here, he said, this is for you.

His enthusiastic tone implied even the Rosetta Stone was significantly less important than this paper which he gave me.